California Harassment Training Mandates: AB 1825, SB 1343, AB 2053, & SB 396
Has your business met the sexual harassment training requirements as outlined by California Legislation AB 1825 and newly enacted California Legislation SB 1343?
Impact Compliance Training makes it easy for you to get your employees the mandatory sexual harassment training. We offer online and in-person, harassment training modules and a platform that prevents this from being someone’s full-time job.
We can even provide courses to Employees that don't have Computer or Email Access through our innovative access code and self-registration course deployment. Our online sexual harassment training for employees meets all the requirements for harassment compliance mandates in California.
In light of workplace discrimination concerns and the #MeToo movement, the state of California has enacted laws that require organizations to conduct sexual harassment prevention training programs.
Under California AB 1825, the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA), and most recently, SB 1343, employers with five or more employees are required to conduct sexual harassment training programs once every two years.
Prior to the enactment of SB 1343, employers with fifty or more employees were only required to provide training to supervisors.
All employees and supervisors covered under the law must be trained through a qualifying harassment compliance training program.
Due to these discrimination laws, this instruction must be aimed at the prevention of sexual harassment, abusive conduct, and harassment based on gender in the workplace, and should educate staff on the remedies available to victims.
- Under state law, the training must be developed by qualified attorneys, professors, or harassment prevention consultants, with at least two years in FEHA or Title VII employment law.
- The course needs to meet a two-hour and one-hour minimum for supervisors and non-supervisors, respectively.
Impact Compliance's courses are developed and supported by subject matter experts and attorneys with decades of experience in FEHA and Title VII law. Please click here to set up a free course trial today.
Under California state law, employers must also:
- Display sexual harassment informational posters in visible, high-traffic areas
- Ensure a workplace free of sexual harassment
- Provide a sexual harassment information sheet at request
- Provide training to employees within six months of hire

Providing informational posters and handouts, advocating on behalf of a harassment-free workplace, and training every employee teaches businesses and employees about appropriate conduct in the workplace. With this training, there will be no grey areas about sexual harassment.
Impact Compliance has been serving California employers for years to meet AB 1825 training mandates. Our online and in-person courses meet California's current harassment prevention training requirements, and we can tailor them to your company's brand and policy. We also offer interactive classes that are versioned for supervisor and non-supervisor employees. We provide a California harassment prevention checklist to help with your online compliance training evaluation.
Since the enactment of California AB 1825, lawmakers are aiming to protect employees and address issues as they are uncovered in the workplace. In conjunction with sexual harassment prevention, lawmakers in the state of California now require training programs to include:
- Prevention of abusive conduct
- Prevention of harassment related to gender expression
- Protection of victims of domestic violence and stalking
California AB 2053. Written as an addendum to AB 1825, California AB 2053 requires employers to include the prevention of abusive conduct in their biennial harassment training programs, effective January 1, 2015. This law connotes “abusive conduct” as hostile or offensive language or actions, such as threats, insults, humiliation, and intimidation.
California SB 396. In addition to state law, California SB 396—effective October 15, 2017—covers the prevention of harassment related to gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation. Employers must include these topics in their harassment training programs. This mandate also necessitates a Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) poster in the workplace identifying transgender rights.
California SB 400. California SB 400 specifically protects employees that are victims of domestic violence, stalking, or sexual assault. The law requires employers to provide reasonable safety measures and precautions to accommodate victims, which disallows them to discriminate or retaliate against victims after they’ve disclosed their status.
Impact Compliance has been providing training to meet the California AB 1825 requirements for over six years. Our online and in-person courses meet all current state requirements and are proactively updated as laws change or as new laws are enacted. Course modules provide an engaging instructional design which is perfect for helping to foster a respectful workplace environment.
ICT is here to offer a flexible, customizable, comprehensive course that includes all of California’s requirements. Topics covered in our program are:
- Abusive conduct
- Discrimination
- Domestic violence
- Gender-based harassment and consideration
- Sexual harassment
- Stalking
- Retaliation, for supervisors
- Bystander Intervention
- Covers all protected classes
These topics cover all forms of sexual harassment in the workplace, as well as related issues that may stem from an incident.
Sexual harassment and discrimination pose complex challenges in the workplace. Keeping your organization compliant with California law and educating your staff on preventing these issues is our full-time job.