Sexual Harassment Training Becomes Virtual


The world is changing. It’s growing. It’s evolving.  Despite the #metoo movement taking the globe by storm in 2006 and peaking in 2017, sexual harassment in the workplace has not yet been stamped out.  Nowhere is this clearer than the 2018 survey from NPR, which found that a massive 81% of women have experienced sexual…

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Sexual Harassment Training in New York

Sexual Harassment Training in New York

If you work in New York City, you are aware that it is essential to get anti-sexual harassment policies in place. These are not just significant from a legal perspective, but they are also important from a moral perspective, since this harassment is often done by workers who may be a manifestation of or have…

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What to look for in Sexual Harassment Training Providers

Sexual harassment covers a range of complaints such as harassment on the basis of gender, pregnancy and marital status, sexuality, and more. It also covers various actions that may not necessarily be as blatant as physical touching or verbal assault. A sexual harassment training provider addresses the various forms of sexual harassment, the impacts this…

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What Exactly Does “Interactive” Compliance Training Mean?

happy man and woman sitting at computers

If you’re an employer striving to meet your state’s requirements for sexual harassment prevention training, one provision of the law may give you pause: What exactly does “interactive” compliance training mean? To help you parse this legalese and meet employer requirements, we defined “interactive,” highlighted the specifics of each state, and provided a source for…

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Training Employees On Harassment Prevention Who Don’t Have Computer or Email Access

Women outside working on her cellphone

From warehouse workers and restaurant servers to field technicians and sales associates, nearly 65 million working American adults are without daily computer access. This limited access is a significant concern for businesses and other organizations in California, New York, and Illinois that are required to provide harassment prevention training to all employees. To ensure you’re…

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